Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Enough for Grace- {Guest Post by Tracy Teppler}

Tracy Teppler
writer of
My Daily Walk in His Grace

When Melissa asked me to guest post I was really excited. She asked
me to pray about it and then write about a time in my life that God
made an impact on me. So, firstly, thank you Melissa for this
opportunity and secondly, here goes:

Have you ever felt worthless? Have you ever felt not good enough? I
remember going through a stage where I was defending who I was.
Subconsciously you know you have value but when you're an emotional
wreck you don't have the confidence to see it. to stand up for
yourself when despite your feelings - you know you have value!

I remember chatting to a woman who for a brief period of time
befriended me (a Godcidence?) She told me how she was a certain
person when she got married and how over the years her husband had
tried to change her. Eventually, she became the 'person' he seemed to
want and then 4 children later, he dumped her. He did not like the
person he had created.

This so resonated with me at the time. I had 2 young children, my
marriage was strained, finances were tight and I just didn't feel good
enough, I was losing me, and I didn't like what I was turning into!

The turning point came one day when I was feeling very low. I felt
like a vapour, of no consequence and suddenly, for some reason the
penny dropped, the light bulb moment happened and it dawned on me -
God loves me JUST THE WAY I AM. Flaws and all, right here, right now,
failures, mistakes, every dark thing He loved me! I remember thinking
to myself , "Who are you not to accept me the way I am if God accepts

That day I started to realise that although I had much changing to do
- God wasn't telling me, "Tracy, change first, improve, be perfect -
and then I'll accept you." Uh-uh,
His word says He chose me from the beginning (Eph 1v4: Even before he
made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and
without fault in his eyes.)
He knew me in my mother's womb (Ps 139v13)
He loves me so much long before I desired to change for the better,
that He sent His only Son to die for me (John 3v16: For God loved the
world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who
believes in him will not perish but have eternal life)
He loves me so much, the way I am, long before I knew that, He knew
how many hairs on my head (Luke 12v7: Indeed, the very hairs of your
head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many
He knows my deepest darkest thoughts and loves me despite them and His
thoughts of me are as numerous as the grains of sand (Psalm 139v18:
I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I
wake up, you are still with me!)

I learned that day to see myself through the eyes of Jesus and not
through my own eyes. I learnt my value is in Him. Because of Christ
I am valuable, worthy, and precious.

I want to encourage you, if you feel worthless, of no value, go seek
out in the word How God sees you. Read it out aloud because faith
comes from hearing. Your opinion of yourself will most certainly

God bless

More About Tracy:

I stole this from her blog and I just LOVE her heart so I had to share it!

My goal is to be encouraging and positive. I want to journal what I feel God wants me to write. I will write my blog not desiring responses, but really grateful and encouraged to receive them. My blog is not about my day to day life, unless its to make a point in a message.  If I can make someone smile, thats good too! As much as I enjoy blogging, my family must'nt lose out because I'm glued to the computer. Most importantly, if I can point anyone to God and His word, I would have achieved my goal
Isaiah 50 v 4(a):  The Lord God has given me the tongue of a disciple and one who is taught, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.  

This scripture is my goal for my blog!


  1. I love your list of 'worth' scriptures - really worth memorizing so that they are in our hearts and easier to find when we need them!

  2. Tracy,
    Do I remember these days, I changed to to become the person other people wanted me to be, then when they decided they like the person they created they moved on. I love the person God is creating me to be instead, flaws, inperfections and all. Praying for you.

    Blessings to you Tracy,


  3. Stopping by from Tracy's. I am always encouraged by her blog posts and likewise this story.


  4. Tracy, what beautiful encouragement this is!!! Our minds seem to be on the same topic today. God loves us just the way we are and knows exactly where we "fit" Thank you for sharing this.

  5. Great post, Tracy. You are a beautiful person: inside and out. And...this is the first time I've seen a photo of your husband. You guys are cute together!

  6. Tracy, this is a beautiful reminder. Indeed, He created us and loved us long before we accepted Him. Thank you for sharing your heart and your testimony... love getting to know you better! Blessings sweet friend :)

  7. Great to see you over here Tracy. It is so wonderful how God loves us just how we are. He doesn't wait for us to be perfect, He just loves us.

  8. Hi Melissa - thank you very much for inviting me to guest post here. I really appreciate it. Ladies, thank you for coming over and reading my post here and for those who haven't visited Melissa before I'm sure you'll be back. She is an awesome blogger and more.
    God bless

  9. I love this encouragement, Tracy. God loves me and accepts me just the way I am, so other people should too. But I'm also thankful that God loves me too much to let me stay this way. I love your use of Scripture to speak the truth of how God sees us and loves us.

    Many blessings!

  10. The day I realized who I was to the Father, his daughter - it changed how I saw myself, gave me peace to be who He created me to be. I'd always had to fight to do that growing up - to be me and suffer the consequences. I am so glad God wants me to be who He created me to be:)

    Your message is dear to my heart:)

  11. Tracy,

    Wow... I just finished Kandi's blog, "no words" and I had to tell her that trying to read and write today was almost impossible... but what do we know about God and possible? ;)

    I cried through your words. Actually, I'm still teary. I needed to hear this. No, God intended for me and others to read this no matter what was trying to get in the way.

    Thank you for being there as a light of inspiration through the dark days I walked through the last couple of months. Thank you for letting God use you. Even when we feel like our words aren't that great, we can be confident in knowing that the words were not ours to begin with... God wrote them on our hearts, grew them into our minds, and used our handsmouths to caste the seeds for new planting.


    So glad I get to meet you! Excited about seeing some more God-filled stuff!

    <3 Kendra

  12. I suppose there are times when we do feel worthless and down in the dumps - - myself included, but then as I look at Jesus, he did not defend himself when others spoke out against him. (only I do that) He is our example and we understand that no matter what God loves us and we are special to Him.

  13. Tracy - Such a God-Word this day! Thnank you! You are precious! You are loved!

    Melissa - Jumping over to visit from Tracy. Thanks for hosting such a sweet woman of God. Just became your newest follower. Looking forward to reading more in days to come! ~

