Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mommy Day's and Gentleness

As you can probably tell I Finally have internet again! Yippee! But in the month and a half that I did not it seems my world became a little more fun and time is a little more lacking :)

We have 2 new foster daughters 13 and 15, along with my two Jaxson who is 4 and Paitlyn who is 2. We also added a Christmas (inside) puppy to the mix.

So we are now a family of 6, plus a puppy.  It's fun but I am really trying to find a way to inexpensively and healthily plan meals for this size family. Any ideas :)

Yesterday started off as an interesting morning. Sunday night I accidentally left my nice clean puppy alone, on my nice clean back porch with a bag of trash that I sat out there for a half sec. to get it out of the way then forgot about it. 

Since I already had a very full evening my husband, being the gracious man that he is, let me go ahead to the store as he cleaned up the mess that left my little white puppy Orange from head to toe.

So Monday morning I awoke having to rush the girls to school, and my son to preschool with Jax and Pait being extra uncooperative and whiny. 

In the 10mins I had to sit quietly at the computer while the girls were getting ready I was able to read Courtney's post from Women Living Well about Michelle Duggar and the Gentleness challenge.  I was immediately convicted because I had already been struggling with lack of patience knowing that after all this I had to rush to clean the puppy and the back porch (and prayerfully me) before we had a visitor at 11.

So I sat in my chair at the computer and prayed for the Lord to help me to be gentle in my attitude and heart towards the day and towards my family. 

You know how people say you shouldn't pray for patience? Well, I'm wondering if the same applies to gentleness.

When I got home from taking the girls to school I ran in to get Jax dressed for preschool, got Pait situated with breakfast and went to attack the puppy/Back Porch situation. I was in shock and horror to see all that I got to see :)

There was a dust pan left on the back porch that had not been cleaned out. Well, puppy cleaned it out for us. Then something in the trash messed up his stomach so along with "everything" there was puppy throw-up everywhere. We had a huge storm Sunday night and the roof was leaking so "Bubbles" was now a soaked, orange, filthy puppy.  He wasn't put in his kennel because he had messed all in it so I had to clean that too. :)

My visitor arrived at 9:30 instead of 11, and she is 20 mos old. I joke that she and my daughter are Partners in Crime.  They showed out their skills yesterday and all of this ended up with a child who found a child's potty that hadn't been emptied and emptied it's contents all over herself and the hallway that I had just finished mopping. I could go on to tell you more but I think you get the picture. :) My praying for gentleness was answered with a Job kinda day :)

I say all this to say, I am so excited for a Gentleness Challenge because truth is: this is how alot of my days begin and end.  Being a mom is part of my ministry and call.  It's not always fun and games. I catch myself talking about Diapers, Poop and vomit quite often because it's my life!  I love it and wouldn't want it another way. 

If I want to live my life as unto the Lord, alot of that is learning to be shaped into His image, and His image would be taking those moments and loving through them.  If I desire to have a servants heart is there any better way to learn than the 24/7 in the home? I feel it's like military basic training - It's hard core! 

I don't like to talk about me or my day on here, but on the days that you feel like "You are exhausted, worn out, you have not sat down for a second because you haven't been able to stop cleaning and if someone came by it would look like you haven't done a thing all day" or you find yourself bleaching objects in your house you never considered having to sterilize before you're not alone!

You are appreciated, loved and very needed. Now put that broom down and go play Superman with your son or Tea Party with your daughter because in our "doing" we often get sidetracked in the tasks and forget about our purpose! Or get your children situated and run to your bed with pillow over head and cry out to God for help.

Either way let's be real, it's not easy but it's our calling and our ministry! HE will equip us with gentleness, patience and love when we surrender it.  I am so glad to serve a God who still compassionately loves and forgives me on my "Messed Up Mommy Days"!

His clay~

Melissa Bradley

Linked With:

Growing Home


  1. Oh my goodness, that sounds like quite a day! Good to see you back online, and I hope your gentleness challenge goes well.

  2. Thanks Amy. I don't get to be involved in many challenges, but this one's something I truly desire in my heart towards my family and everything, so I'm up for it :)
